Have you recently gotten a teeth whitening session done and now you are worried about taking well care of it. There still will be a slight touch of the sensitivity of the chemical that was used in the whitening solution that was jacketing your teeth for the duration of the treatment. But it’s not something that stays back; it goes away in a matter of a few hours.
However, the problem lies somewhere else. If you immediately begin hogging food just after your whitening session got over, it is going to harm your teeth and completely stain them all over again. Here are a few tips that you can follow if you are looking to take good care of your teeth after the teeth whitening session;
There are a few precautionary procedures that you have to maintain for the next 24 hours past the process:-
1. You should not be smoking a cigarette for the next twenty-four hours, if you smoke within or even after 24 hours, it going to surely bring back all the stains that you have just gotten rid of.
2. It's suggested that you ought to continue being away from any dark drinks like coffee, black tea or red wine. You are also supposed to keep away from fruit juices that have additional colors.
3. This rule is not just restricted to drinks, it also applied to food. Try to avoid dark colored food ingredients like soy sauce, chocolate, red meat, and blueberries as much as you can.
4. Some professionals advise giving up completely the usage of colored toothpaste and mouthwash as well.
5. You should also come down to a moderate usage, even if you are using electronic cigarettes to smoke.
What all can you eat?
This question, without a doubt, is the most common question that each and every dentist is asked after the sittings of quite a few dental procedures including teeth whitening. According to the professionals, there is no extra need of care that your teeth need other than the regular brushing and mouthwash.
However, you are needed to stay away from the food that has additional colors and also those with white based foods. Just like any dark colored material can imprint an everlasting mark on your white clothes, having dark-colored food will also leave an everlasting stain on your white teeth.